Krebs, Johann Tobias 1718-1782

Born: 16.12.17181718-12-16T00:00:00+00:53, Buttstädt
Died: 06.04.17821782-04-06T00:00:00+00:53, Grimma
Other Names:
  • Krebsius, Johann Tobias
  • Krebsius, Joannes Tobias
  • Krebsius, Ioannes Tobias
  • Krebsius, Ioan. Tob.
  • Krebs, Johannes Tobias
  • more
Occupation: Classical philology / Secondary school teacher / Rector
Personal Relations: Krebs, Johann Tobias (Father)
Corporate Relations: Schola Regia Grimensis: 1752-1782
Geographical Relations: Place of birth: Buttstädt
Sterbeort: Grimma
Location of work: Leipzig
Location of work: Chemnitz
Location of work: Grimma
Country: Germany (XA-DE)
Biographical References: ADB
DbA I 706,238-244;706,247-248
GND (100202349)
Wikidata (Q110720)
Archived Material: Kalliope
Subsystems: Index Theologicus

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Publication Timeline


  • Krebs, Johannes Tobias
  • Krebsius, Ioan. Tob.
  • Krebsius, Ioannes Tobias
  • Krebsius, Joannes Tobias
  • Krebsius, Johann Tobias
  • Krebsius, Johannes Tobias


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692 |a De usu et praestantia Romanae historiae in Novi Test. interpretatione l* 
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692 |a Hesiodus: Ta euriskomena 
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