Krummacher, Friedrich Wilhelm 1796-1868

Born: 28.01.17961796-01-28T00:00:00+00:53, Moers
Died: 10.12.18681868-12-10T00:00:00+00:53, Potsdam
Other Names:
  • Krummacher, Friedrich-Wilhelm
  • Krummacher, Friedr. Wilh.
  • Krummacher, Fried. Wilhelm
  • Krummacher, Fried.-Wilhelm
  • Krummacher, Friedrich W.
  • more
Occupation: Protestant theologian / Pastor / Court preacher
Personal Relations: Krummacher, Friedrich Adolf (Father)
Krummacher, Eleonore (Mutter, geb. Möller)
Krummacher, Emil Wilhelm (Brother)
Krummacher, Maria (Daughter)
Krummacher, Cornelius Friedrich Adolf (Son)
Geographical Relations: Place of birth: Moers
Location of work: Potsdam
Location of work: Ruhrort
Location of work: Gemarke
Location of work: Elberfeld
Location of work: Berlin
Sterbeort: Potsdam
Country: Germany (XA-DE)
Biographical References: ADB
GND (118724797)
Wikidata (Q72485)
Archived Material: Kalliope
Subsystems: Index Canonicus
Index Theologicus

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Related Authors

  • Hassel, Wilhelm
  • Lucas, Samuel
  • Grünewaldt, Alexandra von 1801-1874
  • Grünewaldt, Johann Engelbrecht Christoph von 1796-1862
  • Krummacher, Eleonore

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Publication Timeline


  • Alethophilus
  • Krummacher, F. W.
  • Krummacher, Fr. W.
  • Krummacher, Fried. Wilhelm
  • Krummacher, Fried.-Wilhelm
  • Krummacher, Friedr. Wilh.
  • Krummacher, Friedrich W.
  • Krummacher, Friedrich-Wilhelm


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