Sumario: | Intro -- 1 Towards a Third 'Quest'? Jesus Then and Now -- 2 Jesus, Israel and the Cross -- 3 'Constraints' and the Jesus of History -- 4 Taking the Text with Her Pleasure: A Post-Post-Modernist Response to J. Dominic Crossan, The Historical Jesus -- 5 Jesus -- 6 Five Gospels but No Gospel: Jesus and the Seminar -- 7 Resurrection in Q? -- 8 Introduction to the Second Edition of B. F. Meyer, The Aims of Jesus -- 9 Kingdom Come: The Public Meaning of the Gospels -- 10 Whence and Whither Historical Jesus Studies in the Life of the Church? -- 11 The Evangelists' Use of the Old Testament as an Implicit Overarching Narrative -- 12 John, Jesus and 'The Ruler of This World': Demonic Politics in the Fourth Gospel? -- 13 Pictures, Stories and the Cross: Where Do the Echoes Lead? -- 14 Son of Man - Lord of the Temple? Gospel Echoes of Psalm 8 and the Ongoing Christological Challenge -- 15 Son of God and Christian Origins -- 16 History, Eschatology, and New Creation in the Fourth Gospel: Early Christian Perspectives on God's Action in Jesus, with Special Reference to the Prologue of John -- 17 Son of Man and New Creation: The Biblical Roots of Trinitarian Theology -- Bibliography -- Acknowledgments -- Search items for Ancient Sources -- Search items for Modern Authors.