Early Christianity in the Lycus Valley

Introduction --Starting points --Sources and chronological framework --Questions : community formation and the search for a position --Historyof research --Fundamentals, surveys, conclusions --Epigraphy and archaeology --Archaeological perspectives --Theology --Geography and natural resources --Basi...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Huttner, Ulrich 1965- (Author)
Format: Electronic Book
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Fernleihe:Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste
Published: Boston Brill 2013
In:Year: 2013
Reviews:[Rezension von: Huttner, Ulrich, 1965-, Early Christianity in the Lycus Valley] (2019) (Winedt, Marlon)
[Rezension von: Huttner, Ulrich, 1965-, Early Christianity in the Lycus Valley] (2015) (Penna, Romano, 1937 -)
Series/Journal:Ancient Judaism and early Christianity volume 85
Early Christianity in Asia Minor (ECAM) volume 1
Further subjects:B Fornkyrkan
B Turkey
B RELIGION ; Christianity ; History
B Kyrkohistoria
B Church history ; Primitive and early church
B Church History
B Church History Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600
B Turkey Church history
Online Access: Volltext (lizenzpflichtig)
Summary:Introduction --Starting points --Sources and chronological framework --Questions : community formation and the search for a position --Historyof research --Fundamentals, surveys, conclusions --Epigraphy and archaeology --Archaeological perspectives --Theology --Geography and natural resources --Basic geography --Infrastructure --Agriculture and textile production --Building trades and technologies --Settlement geography I : Carura, Attouda, Trapezopolis, Tripolis --Settlement geography II : Laodicea, Hierapolis, Colossae --Historical background --Cultural and social background : identities and associations --Political background --Colossae in the "early period" --The Lycus Valley in the Hellenistic period : new foundations and political changes --Laodicea as a central city of the Roman province --Indigenous and Greek cults --Cults of Zeus --Cults of Apollo --The sanctuary of Lairbenos --Men --The mother of the Gods --The Hellenistic ruler cult --The Roman emperor cult --Jewish communities --Judaism in the Lycus Valley : the beginnings --Laodicea as a Jewish Center --Conflicts between Jews and Greeks --Symbiosis of Jews and Greeks in the Imperial Period --Pauline influence : Philemon and Colossians --Persons and networks --Paul's journeys in Asia minor --The prosopography of Philemon and Colossians --The network of churches and the Epistle to the Laodiceans --Nympha of Laodicea --First summary : social networks and Paul's authority --The Epistle to Philemon --Date --The social status of Onesimus --The religious service of Onesimus --Second summary : symbiosis of Christians and Pagans --The Epistle to the Colossians --The Pseudepigraphic problem of Colossians --Date --Addressee and author --Knowledge of Christ --The christological Hymn --The admonition against "philosophy" --Angel worship --Local color in the catalog of Vices --Renewal and liberation --Liturgical Hymns --The domestic code and stabilization of the social order --Mission through rhetoric --Third summary : the quest for a Christian position in Colossians --Summary regarding the Pauline Epistles --The letter in the apocalypse of John --Context --Historical Imponderables --Geographical setting.
Philadelphia --The Lukewarm Laodiceans --Material prosperity and self-righteousness --Pure gold --White robes --Eye salve --Invitation to a banquet --Christian participation in God's dominion --Summary : local color and open questions --Philip and his daughters --John and Philip : apostolic competition in the Lycus Valley? --Laodicea in the Acts of John --Early references to Philip in Hierapolis --The daughters of Philip : prophecies from Hierapolis --Divergent traditions --The prophetic activity of the daughters of Philip --The institutionalized prophets of Apollo --Competing kinds of prophecy? --The message of Philip's daughters : miracle stories --Pagan miracle stories --Rival tombs --Summary : vague memories of a Holy Family --Papias and Apollinaris : bishops in Hierapolis --Bishop Papias : a separate Christian path? --Historical placement --The Judas tradition --The work and its sources --The problem of oral tradition --Eschatology --The Hebrew Ur-Matthew --Bishop Apollinarius : conflict resolution through communication --The rain and lightning miracle --Chronological placement and catalog of works --The apology --Against the Hellenes --Against the Jews --On the Paschal feast --On truth --Against the Montanists --The plague --Summary : defining the place of Papias and Apollinarius --Institutionalization : clerical offices, synods, and councils --Processes of institutionalization --Early bishops and the institutionalization of the clergy --The potential for communication in the pre-constantinian era --Administrative consideration --The synod of ancyra (314) --The council of nicea --The participants --The date of easter --Metropolitan privileges --Christological conflicts after nicea --The Synod of Laodicea --Province and Diocese --The date of the Synod --The decisions --The 5th-century councils --The first council of Ephesus (431) and the competition between Laodicea and Hierapolis --The second council of Ephesus (449) --The council of Chalcedon --Summary : conflict resolution through institutions --Persecution and legends --Persecution in the Lycus Valley --Byzantine accounts of Martyrdom in the Apostolic Age --Sagaris --Christians or Crypto-Christians : Pre-Constantinian inscriptions --Persecutions and lists of Martyrs --The legends of the saints : genesis and impact --Trophimus and Thallus --Artemon : an itinerant legend --The Acts of Philip --The legend of St. Michael from Colossae/Chonae --Legend and cult --Summary : legends in differing contexts --Conclusion : communitization and the search for a standpoint --Christian communities in the Lycus Valley : socialization and communitization --Search for a standpoint --Sources and bibliography --Sources --Bibliography --Indexes --Persons --Places / geographical terms --Subjects --Passages --Old Testament --New Testament --Apocryphal works --Talmud --Legal texts --Acts of councils / Canon law --Ancient, Byzantine, and Medieval authors and works --Inscriptions --Clergy and functionaries (prosopographic index).
With Early Christianity in the Lycus Valley Ulrich Huttner offers a microstudy of Christian history in southwestern Asia Minor (first to fifth century C.E.)
Item Description:Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Physical Description:1 Online-Ressource (1 online resource)