Bogataj, J. D. ([2017]). M. Luter in J. Krizostom v paradigmi paleoortodoksije: Pistologija Pisma Hebrejcem = M. Luther and J. Chrysostom in the Paradigm of Paleo-orthodoxy: pistology in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Edinost in dialog, 72(1/2), 169-182.


Bogataj, Jan Dominik. "M. Luter in J. Krizostom V Paradigmi Paleoortodoksije: Pistologija Pisma Hebrejcem = M. Luther and J. Chrysostom in the Paradigm of Paleo-orthodoxy: Pistology in the Epistle to the Hebrews." Edinost in Dialog 72, no. 1/2 ([2017]): 169-182.


Bogataj, Jan Dominik. "M. Luter in J. Krizostom V Paradigmi Paleoortodoksije: Pistologija Pisma Hebrejcem = M. Luther and J. Chrysostom in the Paradigm of Paleo-orthodoxy: Pistology in the Epistle to the Hebrews." Edinost in Dialog, vol. 72, no. 1/2, [2017], pp. 169-182.
