John: an earth Bible commentary : supposing him to be the gardener

Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Abbreviations -- Introduction: An Earth-Conscious Reading -- 1 Look around you, and see! (Jn 4.35) -- 2 I have set you an example (Jn 13.15) -- 3 His disciples remembered that it was written (Jn 2.17) -- 4 You search the Scriptures (Jn...

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Main Author: Daly-Denton, Margaret (Author)
Format: Electronic Book
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WorldCat: WorldCat
Fernleihe:Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste
Published: London Bloomsbury Publishing PLC 2017
In:Year: 2017
Reviews:[Rezension von: Margaret Daly-Denton, John. An earth bible commentary - supposing him to be the gardener] (2017) (Brien, Mary T.)
Series/Journal:The Earth Bible commentary
Standardized Subjects / Keyword chains:B John / Environmental ethics (motif) / Hermeneutics
IxTheo Classification:HC New Testament
Further subjects:B Electronic books
B Bible John Commentaries
Online Access: Volltext (Verlag)
Parallel Edition:Non-electronic
Summary:Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Abbreviations -- Introduction: An Earth-Conscious Reading -- 1 Look around you, and see! (Jn 4.35) -- 2 I have set you an example (Jn 13.15) -- 3 His disciples remembered that it was written (Jn 2.17) -- 4 You search the Scriptures (Jn 5.39) -- 5 To love all things that exist (Wis. 11.24) -- 6 Written so that you may come to believe (Jn 20.31) -- 7 What must we do to perform the works of God? (Jn 6.28) -- Chapter 1 Supposing Him to Be the Gardener -- 1. 1 To till and keep the garden (Gen. 2.15) -- 1. 2 God planted a garden in Eden (Gen. 2.8) -- 1. 3 The king's paradise (Neh. 2.8) -- 1. 4 The garden of God on the holy mountain (Ezek. 28.13-14) -- 1. 5 Heaven and earth completed and all their beauty (LXX Gen. 2.1) -- 1. 6 The centre of the Earth (Ezek. 38.12) -- 1. 7 The temple of his body (Jn 2.21) -- Chapter 2 In the Beginning -- 2. 1 A breath of the power of God (Wis. 7.25) -- 2. 2 My word shall accomplish that which I purpose (Isa. 55.11) -- 2. 3 Before the world existed (Jn 17.5) -- 2. 4 The light shines in the darkness (Jn 1.5) -- 2. 5 All things came into being through him (Jn 1.3) -- 2. 6 The word pitched a tent among us (Jn 1.14) -- 2. 7 The glory as of a father's only son (Jn 1.14) -- 2. 8 Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ (Jn 1.17) -- 2. 9 With God … in the bosom of the Father (Jn 1.1, 18) -- 2. 10 What must we do to perform the works of God? (Jn 6.28) -- Chapter 3 From Lamp Light to Dawn -- 3. 1 He came as a witness (Jn 1.7) -- 3. 2 In the wilderness (Jn 1.23) -- 3. 3 I baptize with water (Jn 1.26) -- 3. 4 The friend of the bridegroom (Jn 3.29) -- 3. 5 I myself did not know him (Jn 1.31, 33) -- 3. 6 A burning and shining lamp (Jn 5.35) -- 3. 7 The Lamb of God (Jn 1.29, 36)
3. 8 The Spirit descending from heaven like a dove (Jn 1.32) -- 3. 9 What must we do to perform the works of God? (Jn 6.28) -- Chapter 4 From Wilderness to Fertile Land -- 4. 1 Jesus decided to go to Galilee (Jn 1.43) -- 4. 2 A land that God looks after (Deut. 11.12) -- 4. 3 Sitting under the fig tree (Jn 1.48) -- 4. 4 Son of God, King of Israel (Jn 1.49) -- 4. 5 To rule the world in holiness and righteousness (Wis. 9.3) -- 4. 6 There was a wedding (Jn 2.1) -- 4. 7 On the third day (Jn 2.1) -- 4. 8 What must we do to perform the works of God? (Jn 6.28) -- Chapter 5 At the Centre of the Earth -- 5. 1 Jesus went up to Jerusalem (Jn 2.13) -- 5. 2 The Passover of the Jews was near (Jn 2.13) -- 5. 3 No more traders in God's house (Zech. 14.21) -- 5. 4 Nicodemus, who came to Jesus by night (Jn 19.39) -- 5. 5 The kingdom of God (Jn 3.5) -- 5. 6 The on-Earth-things (Jn 3.12) -- 5. 7 The serpent lifted up in the wilderness (Jn 3.14) -- 5. 8 Eternal Life (Jn 3.16) -- 5. 9 God so loved the world (Jn 3.16) -- 5. 10 What must we do to perform the works of God? (Jn 6.28) -- Chapter 6 Living Water -- 6. 1 He came to a Samaritan city (Jn 4.5) -- 6. 2 Are there not twelve hours of daylight? (Jn 11.9) -- 6. 3 If you knew the gift of God (Jn 4.10) -- 6. 4 Bread from heaven and water from the rock (Neh. 9.15) -- 6. 5 To drink of the water that Jesus gives (Jn 4.14) -- 6. 6 The water that had become wine (Jn 2.9) -- 6. 7 The one who ploughs shall overtake the one who reaps (Amos 9.13) -- 6. 8 What must we do to perform the works of God? (Jn 6.28) -- Chapter 7 My Father Has Never Ceased Working -- 7. 1 A pool called Bethzatha (Jn 5.2) -- 7. 2 The Son gives life to whomever he wishes (Jn 5.21) -- 7. 3 He was calling God his own Father (Jn 5.18) -- 7. 4 The Son does only what he sees the Father doing (Jn 5.19)
7. 5 Now that day was a Sabbath (Jn 5.9) -- 7. 6 The Father who dwells in me does his works (Jn 14.10) -- 7. 7 What must we do to perform the works of God? (Jn 6.28) -- Chapter 8 The Bread of Life -- 8. 1 The Sea of Galilee of Tiberias (Jn 6.1) -- 8. 2 There was a great deal of grass in the place (Jn 6.10) -- 8. 3 Five barley loaves and two fish (Jn 6.9) -- 8. 4 The poor shall eat and have their fill (Ps. 22.26) -- 8. 5 Gather up the fragments that nothing may be lost (Jn 6.12) -- 8. 6 They saw Jesus walking on the sea (Jn 6.19) -- 8. 7 Believe in the one whom God has sent (Jn 6.29) -- 8. 8 I am the bread of life (Jn 6.35, 48) -- 8. 9 My flesh is true food and my blood is true drink (Jn 6.55) -- 8. 10 What must we do to perform the works of God? (Jn 6.28) -- Chapter 9 At the Festival of Tabernacles -- 9. 1 You shall live in booths for seven days (Lev. 23.42) -- 9. 2 You give them drink from the river of your delights (Ps. 36.8) -- 9. 3 Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water (Jn 7.38) -- 9. 4 He said this about the Spirit (Jn 7.39) -- 9. 5 I am the Light of the world (Jn 8.12) -- 9. 6 To belong to the house (Jn 8.35) -- 9. 7 Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day (Jn 8.56) -- 9. 8 What must we do to perform the works of God? (Jn 6.28) -- Chapter 10 The Good Shepherd -- 10. 1 A man blind from birth (Jn 9.1) -- 10. 2 He is of age (Jn 9.21) -- 10. 3 To know Jesus Christ whom God has sent (Jn 17.3) -- 10. 4 My servant David shall be their shepherd (Ezek. 34.23) -- 10. 5 I came that they may have life (Jn 10.10) -- 10. 6 The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep (Jn 10.11) -- 10. 7 At the Festival of the Dedication (Jn 10.22) -- 10. 8 What must we do to perform the works of God? (Jn 6.28) -- Chapter 11 From Bethany to Jerusalem -- 11. 1 Let us go to Judea again (Jn 11.7)
11. 2 I am the resurrection (Jn 11.25) -- 11. 3 Already there is a stench (Jn 11.39) -- 11. 4 To gather into one the dispersed children of God (Jn 11.52) -- 11. 5 Lazarus was one of those at table with Jesus (Jn 12.2) -- 11. 6 Six days before the Passover (Jn 12.1) -- 11. 7 A pound of costly perfume (Jn 12.3) -- 11. 8 The house was filled with the fragrance (Jn 12.3) -- 11. 9 Jesus found a young donkey (Jn 12.14) -- 11. 10 They took branches of palm trees (Jn 12.13) -- 11. 11 The world has gone after him (Jn 12.19) -- 11. 12 What must we do to perform the works of God? (Jn 6.28) -- Chapter 12 The Hour Has Come (Jn 12.23) -- 12. 1 Some Greeks ask to see Jesus (Jn 12.20-21) -- 12. 2 A grain of wheat must fall into the earth and die (Jn 12.24) -- 12. 3 Where I am, there will my servant be also (Jn 12.26) -- 12. 4 Jesus 'lifted up from the earth' (Jn 12.32) -- 12. 5 I will draw all things to myself (Jn 12.32) -- 12. 6 Isaiah saw his glory (Jn 12.41) -- 12. 7 Saviour of the World (Jn 3.17 -- 4.42 -- 12.47) -- 12. 8 What must we do to perform the works of God? (Jn 6.28) -- Chapter 13 Eat, Friends and Drink (Song 5.1) -- 13. 1 Jesus began to wash the disciples' feet (Jn 13.5) -- 13. 2 You ought to wash one another's feet (Jn 13.14) -- 13. 3 Come! Have a meal! (Jn 21.12) -- 13. 4 The poor shall eat and have their fill (Ps. 22.26) -- 13. 5 Love one another (Jn 13.34) -- 13. 6 A home in the Father's house (Jn 14.2) -- 13. 7 I am the way, the truth and the life (Jn 14.6) -- 13. 8 Even greater works (Jn 14.12) -- 13. 9 My peace I leave with you (Jn 14.27) -- 13. 10 What must we do to perform the works of God? (Jn 6.28) -- Chapter 14 I Still Have Much to Say to You (Jn 16.12) -- 14. 1 The vine shall yield its fruit (Zech. 8.12) -- 14. 2 My beloved had a vineyard (Isa. 5.1) -- 14. 3 You do not belong to the world (Jn 15.19)
14. 4 The sin of the world (Jn 1.29) -- 14. 5 A woman in labour has pain (Jn 16.21) -- 14. 6 That your joy may be complete (Jn 16.24) -- 14. 7 That they may all be one (Jn 17.21) -- 14. 8 What must we do to perform the works of God?' (Jn 6.28) -- Chapter 15 Love Is as Strong as Death (Song 8.6) -- 15. 1 Across the Kidron Valley (Jn 18.1) -- 15. 2 A place where there was a garden (Jn 18.1) -- 15. 3 Hail, King of the Jews! (Jn 19.3) -- 15. 4 It was the day of Preparation for the Passover (Jn 19.14) -- 15. 5 A sponge full of wine (Jn 19.29) -- 15. 6 For my clothing they cast lots (Jn 19.24) -- 15. 7 Jesus hands over the Spirit (Jn 19.30) -- 15. 8 What must we do to perform the works of God? (Jn 6.28) -- Chapter 16 I Have Come to My Garden (Song 5.1) -- 16. 1 A sudden flow of water (Jn 19.34) -- 16. 2 A fountain opened for the house of David (Zech. 13.1) -- 16. 3 A mixture of myrrh and aloes (Jn 19.39) -- 16. 4 In Linen Cloths (Jn 19.40) -- 16. 5 There was a garden in the place where he was crucified (Jn 19.41) -- 16. 6 The tree of life (Gen. 3.24) -- 16. 7 Early on the first day of the week (Jn 20.1) -- 16. 8 For now the winter is past (Song 2.11) -- 16. 9 See, I am making all things new (Rev. 21.5) -- Bibliography -- Index of References -- Index of Authors
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