Rewriting and reception in and of the bible

Cover -- Preface -- Table of Contents -- Jesper Høgenhaven, Jesper Tang Nielsen, Heike Omerzu: Introduction: Rewriting and Reception in and of the Bible -- Part I Rewriting and Reception in the Bible -- Ancient Judaism -- Jesper Høgenhaven: Fortschreibung und Kanonisierung in der Bibliothek von Qu...

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Bibliographic Details
Contributors: Høgenhaven, Jesper 1961- (Editor) ; Nielsen, Jesper Tang 1971- (Editor) ; Omerzu, Heike 1970- (Editor) ; Müller, Mogens 1946- (Honoree)
Format: Electronic Book
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Fernleihe:Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste
Published: Tübingen Mohr Siebeck [2018]
In: Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament (396)
Year: 2018
Reviews:[Rezension von: Rewriting and reception in and of the Bible] (2020) (Lafontaine, Xavier)
Series/Journal:Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 396
Standardized Subjects / Keyword chains:B New Testament / Exegesis
B Bible / Journalistic editing
B Bible / Reception
IxTheo Classification:HA Bible
HC New Testament
Further subjects:B Collection of essays
B Bible Influence
B Bible Appreciation
B Bible Criticism and interpretation, etc
B Bible Use
B Festschrift
B Bible History
B Electronic books
B Bible.-New Testament
B Bible Criticism, Redaction
B Müller, Mogens 1946-
Online Access: Volltext (Aggregator)
Parallel Edition:Non-electronic
Summary:Cover -- Preface -- Table of Contents -- Jesper Høgenhaven, Jesper Tang Nielsen, Heike Omerzu: Introduction: Rewriting and Reception in and of the Bible -- Part I Rewriting and Reception in the Bible -- Ancient Judaism -- Jesper Høgenhaven: Fortschreibung und Kanonisierung in der Bibliothek von Qumran: Bemerkungen mit besonderem Hinblick auf Genesis-Kommentar A (4Q252) -- 1 Was sind ›autoritative Texte‹ im Hinblick auf die Qumran-Rollen? -- 2 Vorstufen zur Kanon-Bildung? Fortschreibung und Kommentar -- 3 Spiegeln Fortschreibung und Kanonisierungverschiedene Grundhaltungen wider? -- 4 Der Genesis-Kommentar von Qumran (4Q252) -- 5 Auslegung durch Fortschreibung(»Rewriting«) im Genesis-Kommentar? -- 6 Auslegung durch Kommentierung imGenesis-Kommentar? Zwei Beispiele -- 7 Gattung und Auslegungsstrategie im Genesis-Kommentar 4Q252 -- 8 Folgerungen und Schlussbemerkungen -- Ingrid Hjelm: The Coming of a ›Prophet Like You‹ in Ancient Literature -- 1 The Masoretic Bible -- 2 The Samaritan Pentateuch -- 3 The Coming of a Prophet in Samaritan Tradition -- 4 A prophet Like Moses in the Masoretic Tradition -- 5 The Coming of a Prophet in the New Testament -- Thomas L. Thompson: ›Rewritten Bible‹ or Reiterative Rhetoric: Examples from Yahweh’s Garden -- 1 Rewritten Bible and the Rhetoric of Imitation -- 2 Yahweh’s Well-watered Garden -- 3 Paradise Lost -- 4 Noah’s vineyard: a brief reiteration -- 5 »As well-watered as Yahweh’s garden, like the land of Egypt« (Gen 13:10) -- 6 Returning to the Tree of Life -- 7 The Song of the Vineyard -- 8 The Poor Man’s Garden -- Siegfried Kreuzer: New Testament Quotations and the Textual History of the Septuagint -- 1 Introduction -- 2 New observations -- 3 New Testament quotations as witnessesto the text of the Septuagint -- 4 Conclusions -- New Testament
Michael Labahn: Die Königin aus dem Süden und ihr Auftritt im Gericht: Q 11,31 oder zur (Wirkungs‑)Geschichte einer Begegnungserzählung -- 1 Vorbemerkung -- 2 Zur Rekonstruktion und zum literarischenKontext von Q 11,31 in der Logienquelle -- 3 Schriftrezeption als ›narrative Abbreviatur‹:Q 11,31 und 1 Kön 10,1–13/2 Chr 9,1–12 -- 4 Rezeption und Deutung -- 5 Verfremdende Anknüpfung und befremdende Abgrenzung – oder wie das Erbe zur Last werden kann -- 6 Zusammenfassung -- Troels Engberg-Pedersen: The Messianic Secret in the Fourth Gospel: On the Fundamental Importance of Mark for John’s Rewriting of the Story of Jesus -- 1 The Messianic secret in Mark -- 2 The ›Messianic secret‹ in John -- 3 Summary and conclusion -- Jesper Tang Nielsen: Johannes und Lukas: Szenen einer Beziehung -- 1 Johannes und die Synoptiker in der Forschungsgeschichte -- 2 Lukas und Johannes in der Forschungsgeschichte -- 3 Narrative Tendenzen und Techniken im Nikodemusevangelium -- 4 Die narrative Beziehung zwischen Lukas und Johannes -- 5. Schluss -- Frederik Poulsen: A Light to the Gentiles: The Reception of Isaiah in Luke-Acts -- 1 Luke and the Old Testament -- 2 Isaiah’s metaphors of light, darkness, sight, and blindness -- 3 Isaiah in Luke-Acts -- 3.1 The infancy narrative -- 3.2 The public appearances of John and Jesus -- 3.3 The realization of Jesus’ mission -- 3.4 Gentile mission in Acts -- 3.5 Paul’s call and conversion -- 3.6 The rejection of the message of Christ -- 4 Conclusion -- Martin Meiser: Torah in Galatians: The Significance of the Reception of the Septuagint -- 1 Introduction: Conflicting Identities -- 2 Νόμος and Γραφή: Paul’s Terminology -- 3 History of Salvation and its Foundation -- 4 Outline of Galatians’ argumentatio -- 5 Scripture and Faith (Gal 3:6–9 -- 4:21–31)
6 Why do »Works of Torah« not Justify (3:10–14)? -- 7 The Role of the Torah in the Era before Christ (Gal 3:19–25) -- 8 The role of the Torah in the era afterChrist’s Coming (Gal 5:14, 18, 23) -- 9 Conclusion -- Part II Rewriting and Reception of the Bible -- Ancient Times -- Martin Karrer: Reception and Rewriting: Beobachtungen zu Schriftreferenzen und Textgeschichte der Apokalypse -- 1 Die Markierung von Referenzen -- 2 Die Einschmelzung der Referenzen in den Text und die Beteiligung der Leser/innen -- 3 Die benutzten Textformen -- 4 Intertextualität und die Textgeschichte der Johannesapokalypse -- 5 Ergebnisse und Konsequenzen -- Heike Omerzu: Das Petrusevangelium als ›rewritten Gospel‹? Eine forschungsgeschichtliche Erörterung der Rezeption der Kategorie ›rewritten Bible‹ in Bezug auf frühchristliche Texte -- 1 Hinführung -- 2 ›Rewritten Bible‹ jenseits der Literatur des Antiken Judentums -- 3 ›Rewritten Bible‹ und das Petrusevangelium -- 4 Abschließende Würdigung -- Tilde Bak Halvgaard: Reception of the Johannine Logos in the Trimorphic Protennoia: The Gnostics and the Bible – Part II -- 1 The Gospel of John and the Trimorphic Protennoia -- 2 The Descent of the Logos -- 3 The Johannine Prologue and the Trimorphic Protennoia -- 4 Reception of the Johannine Logos in the Trimorphic Protennoia? -- Francis Watson: Reception as Corruption: Tertullian and Marcion in Quest of the True Gospel -- 1 The Anonymous Gospel -- 2 Tertullian’s Failed Syllogism -- 3 On the Originality (or otherwise) of the Marcionite Gospel -- Thomas Hoffmann: Everywhere and Nowhere: On the rewritten Bible and Qur’ān -- 1 References and Family Resemblances -- 1.1 Bible-Qur’ān Introductions and Synoptic Attempts -- 1.2 Scripturalist reference -- 1.3 Reference to characters -- 1.4 Territory and space -- 1.5 Narrative Family Resemblances
1.6 Family Resemblances in Genre and Rhetorics. -- 1.7 Thematic and Motival Family Resemblances -- 1.8 Linguistic and Phraseological Family Resemblances -- 2 Recycled Bible -- 3 Nowhere (and Echoes) -- 4 Selection and Contingency -- John Strange: Rewriting the Bible in Pictorial Arts: Some Examples and Observations -- 1 Introduction: Moravians and the Bible -- 2 The Choirs -- 2.1 Boys -- 2.2 Single Brothers -- 2.3 Married Brothers -- 2.4 Widowers -- 2.5 Girls -- 2.6 Widows -- 3 Conclusion -- Christina Petterson: Zinzendorf ’s New Testament and the Production of Gender -- 1 Pontus Wikner and his autobiographical portrait of Christ -- 2 Masculinities and romantic friendshipin the nineteenth century -- 3 »Repainting Christ«: Wikner’s attitude to the Bible. -- 4 The role of the spectator -- 5 Wikners starting point: Speaking to a friend -- 6 A history of the ups and downs of Wikner’s friendship with Christ -- 7 Confession of his betrayal of the friendship of Christ -- 8 Wikner’s pantheistic period -- 9 Return to the Father -- 10 Not only ideal example and teacher, but friend -- 11 Summing up -- Halvor Moxnes: Desiring Christ: A Nordic Christology in the Time of Romantic Friendships -- 1 Pontus Wikner and his autobiographical portrait of Christ -- 2 Masculinities and romantic friendshipin the nineteenth century -- 3 »Repainting Christ«: Wikner’s attitude to the Bible. -- 4 The role of the spectator -- 5 Wikners starting point: Speaking to a friend -- 6 A history of the ups and downs ofWikner’s friendship with Christ -- 7 Confession of his betrayal of the friendship of Christ -- 8 Wikner’s pantheistic period -- 9 Return to the Father -- 10 Not only ideal example and teacher, but friend -- 11 Summing up
Gitte Buch-Hansen: Converting Refugees and the(ir) Gospel: Exegetical Reflections on Refugees’ Encounter with Denmark and with the Lutheran Church -- 1 Converting Refugees and the Lutheran Church in Denmark -- 1.1 Balcony with a View -- 1.2 Lutheran Paradoxes: The State and the Evaluation of Converting Refugees’ Faith -- 1.3 Contemporary Fieldwork Methodology and Our Research Design -- 1.3.1 Consumed Identities. Research Design -- 1.4 Unauthorized Gospelling. Mel Gibson and Healing Miracles -- 1.4.1 Reflections on the Interview with the Afghan Man -- 2 The Refugees’ Gospel between Bultmann’s Demythologization and Käsemann’s Apocalypticism -- 2.1 Perpetrator and Victim in Bultmann’s Demythologization Program -- 2.2 Käsemann’s Apocalypticism. »Die Mutter der christlichen Theologie« -- 2.3 Phenomenology and Power. Strong and Weak in the Corinthian Congregation -- 2.4 Reading for Meaning. Sacrificium Intellectus – or Vicarious Introspection? -- 3 Testimonies of Faith -- 3.1 Architectonic Performances of Trauma and Theology -- 3.2 The Russian Roulette of Conversion -- 3.3 Silent Testimonies. The Need of a Testimony -- 3.4 Postscript. One Year After -- List of Contributors -- Index of Sources -- Old Testament -- Septuagint/Greek Versions of the Old Testament -- Jewish Texts -- New Testament -- Early Christian Literature -- Greek and Roman Literature -- Qur’an -- Index of Modern Authors
Item Description:This volume is presented to Mogens Müller [...]. We offer this Festschrift to him in gratitude. - Introduction
Physical Description:1 Online-Ressource (IX, 411 Seiten)