Symphonie des Wortes: Beiträge zur Offenbarungskonstitution "Dei Verbum" im katholisch-orthodoxen Dialog; Festgabe des Neuen Schülerkreises zum 85. Geburtstag von Joseph Ratzinger/Papst Benedikt XVI.

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Bibliographic Details
Contributors: Hastetter, Michaela C. 1971- (Editor) ; Benedikt XVI. Papst 1927-2022 (Honoree)
Format: Print Book
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WorldCat: WorldCat
Fernleihe:Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste
Published: St. Ottilien EOS Verlag 2012
In:Year: 2012
Volumes / Articles:Show volumes/articles.
Standardized Subjects / Keyword chains:B Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965 : Vatikanstadt), Dei Verbum
IxTheo Classification:HA Bible
KDB Roman Catholic Church
KDF Orthodox Church
KDJ Ecumenism
NBB Doctrine of Revelation
SA Church law; state-church law
Further subjects:B Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965) Vatikanstadt Dei Verbum
B Collection of essays
B Reception aesthetics
B Orthodox Church
B Orthodoxie
B Bible
B Word of God
B Ecumene
B Benedikt, XVI., Pope 1927-2022
B Reception
B Catholic church
Online Access: Contents
Table of Contents
Physical Description:262 S., Ill., Notenbeisp., 240 mm x 160 mm