The jubilee challenge: Utopia or possibility? Jewish and christian insights

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Bibliographic Details
Contributors: Ucko, Hans 1946- (Editor)
Format: Print Book
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WorldCat: WorldCat
Fernleihe:Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste
Published: Geneva WCC Publications 1997
In:Year: 1997
Volumes / Articles:Show volumes/articles.
Standardized Subjects / Keyword chains:B Jubilee year / Theology
IxTheo Classification:BH Judaism
Further subjects:B Collection of essays
B Jubilee year
B Judaism
B Sabbath
B Distributive Justice Religious aspects Judaism
B Christianity
B Distributive Justice Religious aspects Christianity
B Jubilee (Judaism)
Item Description:Includes bibliographical references
Physical Description:VII,197 S.