Synoptic problems: collected essays

Dieser Band versammelt einundzwanzig Aufsätze von John S. Kloppenborg, die vier Schwerpunkte haben: konzeptuelle und methodologische Fragen bezüglich des Synoptischen Problems, das Spruchevangelium Q, das Markusevangelium, und die Gleichnisse Jesu. Kloppenborg, ein Experte auf dem Gebiet des Synopti...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kloppenborg, John S. 1951- (Author)
Format: Electronic Book
Check availability: HBZ Gateway
WorldCat: WorldCat
Fernleihe:Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste
Published: Tübingen Mohr Siebeck 2014
In: Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament (329)
Year: 2014
Reviews:[Rezension von: Kloppenborg, John S., 1951-, Synoptic problems : collected essays] (2020) (Choi, Agnes)
[Rezension von: Kloppenborg, John S., 1951-, Synoptic problems : collected essays] (2016) (Broccardo, Carlo, 1972 -)
[Rezension von: Kloppenborg, John S., 1951-, Synoptic problems : collected essays] (2015) (Evans, Craig A., 1952 -)
Series/Journal:Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 329
Standardized Subjects / Keyword chains:B Synoptic problem / Q
B Gospels / Exegesis
B New Testament / Environment
Further subjects:B Collection of essays
B Gospel of Q
B Methodological Problem
B Papyrology
B Literature
B Metanarrative
B Luke
B Neues Testament
B Mark
B Mitwirkungsverantwortung
B Array
B Parable
B Matthew
B Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament
B Synoptic problem
B Johann Joachim Spalding
Online Access: Presumably Free Access
Volltext (lizenzpflichtig)
Volltext (lizenzpflichtig)
Volltext (lizenzpflichtig)
Parallel Edition:Non-electronic
Summary:Dieser Band versammelt einundzwanzig Aufsätze von John S. Kloppenborg, die vier Schwerpunkte haben: konzeptuelle und methodologische Fragen bezüglich des Synoptischen Problems, das Spruchevangelium Q, das Markusevangelium, und die Gleichnisse Jesu. Kloppenborg, ein Experte auf dem Gebiet des Synoptischen Problems, interessiert sich vor allem dafür, wie man synoptische Hypothesen aufstellen kann und sich dabei immer der vielen Wissenslücken, der konkurrierenden Hypothesen und der theologischen und historischen Folgerungen jeder Hypothese bewusst ist. Die Aufsätze der letzten drei Kapitel haben gemein, dass sie voraussetzen, dass Literatur, Denken und Praxis der frühen Jesusbewegung mit dem Wissen um ihren sozialen, literarischen und intellektuellen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Der Kontext der Jesusbewegung wird nicht nur durch den Rückgriff auf literarische und historische Quellen, die aus der griechischen und der römischen Elite stammen, beleuchtet, sondern auch durch Informationen aus nicht literarischen Papyri.InhaltsübersichtPreface – Introduction – Abbreviations I. Synoptic ProblemsThe Theological Stakes in the Synoptic Problem – Is There a New Paradigm? – On Dispensing with Q? Goodacre on the Relation of Luke to Matthew – Variation in the Reproduction of the Double Tradition and an Oral Q? – Synopses and the Synoptic Problem II. The Sayings Gospel QSymbolic Eschatology and the Apocalypticism of Q – »Easter Faith« and the Sayings Gospel Q – Nomos and Ethos in Q – City and Wasteland: Narrative World and the Beginning of the Sayings Gospel (Q) – Literary Convention, Self-Evidence, and the Social History of the Q People – The Sayings Gospel Q: Literary and Stratigraphic Problems – A Dog Among the Pigeons: The Cynic Hypothesis as a Theological Problem – Discursive Practices in the Sayings Gospel Q and the Quest of the Historical Jesus III. The Gospel of MarkEgyptian Viticultural Practices and the Citation of Isa 5:1–7 in Mark 12:1–9 – Self-Help or Deus ex Machina in Mark 12.9? – Evocatio Deorum and the Date of Mark – Agrarian Discourse in the Sayings of Jesus IV. ParablesJesus and the Parables of Jesus in Q – The Parable of the Prodigal Son and Deeds of Gift – Pastoralism, Papyri and the Parable of the Shepherd – The Representation of Violence in the Synoptic Parables
This volume contains a collection of twenty-one essays of John S. Kloppenborg, with four foci: conceptual and methodological issues in the Synoptic Problem; the Sayings Gospel Q; the Gospel of Mark; and the Parables of Jesus. Kloppenborg, a major contributor to the Synoptic Problem, is especially interested in how one constructs synoptic hypotheses, always aware of the many gaps in our knowledge, the presence of competing hypotheses, and the theological and historical entailments in any given hypothesis. Common to the essays in the remaining three sections is the insistence that the literature, thought and practices of the early Jesus movement must be treated with a deep awareness of their social, literary, and intellectual contexts. The context of the early Jesus movement is illumined not simply by resort to the literary and historical sources produced by Greek and Roman elites but, more importantly, by data gathered from documentary sources available in non-literary papyri.Survey of contentsPreface – Introduction – Abbreviations I. Synoptic ProblemsThe Theological Stakes in the Synoptic Problem – Is There a New Paradigm? – On Dispensing with Q? Goodacre on the Relation of Luke to Matthew – Variation in the Reproduction of the Double Tradition and an Oral Q? – Synopses and the Synoptic Problem II. The Sayings Gospel QSymbolic Eschatology and the Apocalypticism of Q – »Easter Faith« and the Sayings Gospel Q – Nomos and Ethos in Q – City and Wasteland: Narrative World and the Beginning of the Sayings Gospel (Q) – Literary Convention, Self-Evidence, and the Social History of the Q People – The Sayings Gospel Q: Literary and Stratigraphic Problems – A Dog Among the Pigeons: The Cynic Hypothesis as a Theological Problem – Discursive Practices in the Sayings Gospel Q and the Quest of the Historical Jesus III. The Gospel of MarkEgyptian Viticultural Practices and the Citation of Isa 5:1–7 in Mark 12:1–9 – Self-Help or Deus ex Machina in Mark 12.9? – Evocatio Deorum and the Date of Mark – Agrarian Discourse in the Sayings of Jesus IV. ParablesJesus and the Parables of Jesus in Q – The Parable of the Prodigal Son and Deeds of Gift – Pastoralism, Papyri and the Parable of the Shepherd – The Representation of Violence in the Synoptic Parables
Physical Description:1 Online-Ressource
Persistent identifiers:DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-153273-3