Sceptic and believer in ancient mediterranean religions
Was ist die Rolle der Skepsis in der religiösen Umwelt des Mittelmeerraums? Wie wird Zweifel innerhalb einer religiösen Gemeinschaft ausgedrückt? Worin unterscheidet sich der »Zweifel des Zugehörigen« von der skeptischen Einstellung des Außenstehenden? Die Beiträge dieses Bandes untersuchen diese F...
Summary: | Was ist die Rolle der Skepsis in der religiösen Umwelt des Mittelmeerraums? Wie wird Zweifel innerhalb einer religiösen Gemeinschaft ausgedrückt? Worin unterscheidet sich der »Zweifel des Zugehörigen« von der skeptischen Einstellung des Außenstehenden? Die Beiträge dieses Bandes untersuchen diese Fragen mit Bezug auf breitgefächerte religiöse Sinnzusammenhänge der Antike.InhaltsübersichtClifford Ando: Disbelief and Cognate Concepts in Roman Antiquity – Jan Assmann: Ancient Egyptian Disbelief in the Promises of Eternity – Tim Whitmarsh: The Invention of Atheism and the Invention of Religion in Classical Athens – Jan N. Bremmer: Youth, Atheism, and (Un)Belief in Late Fifth-Century Athens – Matthew A. Fox: Disbelief in Rome: A Reappraisal – Babett Edelmann-Singer: »Who Will Worship This Man as a God, Who Will Believe in Him?« – Seneca's Apocolocyntosis and the Hermeneutical Categories of Belief and Scepticism in Emperor Cult – Kai Trampedach: Plutarch als Apologet des Orakels von Delphi – Janet Downie: Belief and Doubt in Aelius Aristides's Isthmian Oration: To Poseidon – Inger N.I. Kuin: Loukianos Atheos? Humour and Religious Doubt in Lucian of Samosata – Tobias Nicklas: Skepsis und Christusglaube: Funktionen, Räume und Impulse des Zweifels bei Paulus – David P. Moessner: Luke as Sceptical »Insider« – Re-configuring the »Tradition« by Re-figuring the »Synoptic« Plot – Benjamin Schliesser: The Gospel for Sceptics: Doubting Thomas (John 20:24–29) and Early Christian Identity Formation – Anna Van den Kerchove: »Why Do You Doubt?« – Scepticism and Some Nag Hammadi Writings – Richard L. Gordon: Evading Doubt: Astrology and Magic in the Greco-Roman Period What are the roles of doubt and scepticism in the religious landscape of the ancient Mediterranean? How is doubt expressed within a specific religious community, and what reactions does it provoke? How does »insider doubt« differ from the sceptical attitude of outsiders? Exploring these questions with respect to a wide range of religious contexts and topics (including early Christianity, Greco-Roman religions, Egyptian religions, astrology, and magic), the essays in this volume confirm the thesis that doubting one's own religious tradition is not simply a »Western« post-Enlightenment phenomenon. On the contrary, ancient religions offered opportunities and contexts wherein aspects of doubt are not just tolerated but accepted; moreover, doubt and scepticism concerning certain religious ideas or aspects of belief also motivated creative reinterpretation of those ideas.Survey of contentsClifford Ando: Disbelief and Cognate Concepts in Roman Antiquity – Jan Assmann: Ancient Egyptian Disbelief in the Promises of Eternity – Tim Whitmarsh: The Invention of Atheism and the Invention of Religion in Classical Athens – Jan N. Bremmer: Youth, Atheism, and (Un)Belief in Late Fifth-Century Athens – Matthew A. Fox: Disbelief in Rome: A Reappraisal – Babett Edelmann-Singer: »Who Will Worship This Man as a God, Who Will Believe in Him?« – Seneca's Apocolocyntosis and the Hermeneutical Categories of Belief and Scepticism in Emperor Cult – Kai Trampedach: Plutarch als Apologet des Orakels von Delphi – Janet Downie: Belief and Doubt in Aelius Aristides's Isthmian Oration: To Poseidon – Inger N.I. Kuin: Loukianos Atheos? Humour and Religious Doubt in Lucian of Samosata – Tobias Nicklas: Skepsis und Christusglaube: Funktionen, Räume und Impulse des Zweifels bei Paulus – David P. Moessner: Luke as Sceptical »Insider« – Re-configuring the »Tradition« by Re-figuring the »Synoptic« Plot – Benjamin Schliesser: The Gospel for Sceptics: Doubting Thomas (John 20:24–29) and Early Christian Identity Formation – Anna Van den Kerchove: »Why Do You Doubt?« – Scepticism and Some Nag Hammadi Writings – Richard L. Gordon: Evading Doubt: Astrology and Magic in the Greco-Roman Period |
Physical Description: | Online-Ressource (XIII, 335 Seiten) |
ISBN: | 3161592492 |
Persistent identifiers: | DOI: 10.1628/978-3-16-159249-2 |