Corpus of middle Babylonian and middle Assyrian incantations
Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Table of Contents; Body; Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 Typology of Incantations; 1.2 Historical Setting; 1.3 Previous Scholarship; 1.4 Scope of Research; Chapter 2: Physical Properties of Tablets Containing Incantations; 2.1 Classification of Texts; Single Incantation Te...
Summary: | Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Table of Contents; Body; Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 Typology of Incantations; 1.2 Historical Setting; 1.3 Previous Scholarship; 1.4 Scope of Research; Chapter 2: Physical Properties of Tablets Containing Incantations; 2.1 Classification of Texts; Single Incantation Texts; Incantation Collectives; Incantations in Incantation Rituals; Incantations in Therapeutic Texts; Incantations and Diagnostic Omina; Incantations and Lexical Lists; 2.2 Classification of Text Formats; Tablets; Amulets; Cylinder Seals; Prisms; 2.3 Drawings on Tablets; Representations of Evil. Geometrical FiguresImitation Script/Pseudo-Inscriptions; Acrostics; Representations of the Magical Expert; Representations of the Client; 2.4 Paratextual Comments; Rubrics; Subscripts; Colophons; Chapter 3: Geographical Setting and Archival Context; 3.1 Mesopotamian Heartland; Aššur; Nineveh; Dūr-Kurigalzu; Babylon; Sippar; Nippur; Ur; 3.2 Peripheral Areas; Ḫattuša; Karkemish; Alalaḫ; Emar; Ugarit; Akhetaten; Susa-Dūr-Untaš; Chapter 4: The Social Setting; 4.1 Magic & Medicine: Two Complementary Strategies; 4.2 The Functionality of Magic; 4.3 The Identity of the Magical Expert The Magical Expert within Magico-Religious TextsThe Magical Expert outside Magico-Religious Texts; The Magical Expert as Scholar; Depictions of the Magical Expert; 4.4 Identity of the Client; Public Clients; Private Client; Depictions of the Clients; 4.5 Cooperation between Magical Expert and Client; 4.6 Practical Function of Incantation Texts; Private Magical Texts; Magical Texts as Reference Works; Incantations in Curricular Context; Āšipūtu as Spoils of War?; Chapter 5: Circulation of Incantations during the Late Bronze Age; 5.1 Thematic Grouping of Individual Incantations. Unica and DuplicatesSpecific Diseases and Medical Problems; Various Diseases/Any Evil; Veterinary Medicine; Dangerous Animals; Human Agents; Incantation-Prayers; Miscellaneous; 5.2 Division of Unilingual and Bilingual Incantations; Unilingual Akkadian; Unilingual Sumerian; Unilingual Hittite; Unidentifed Language; Bilingual Incantations; 5.3 Local Scribal Traditions and Influences; Babylonian Traditions; Assyrian Traditions; Peripheral Traditions; 5.4 Concluding Remarks; Chapter 6: Standardization and Serialization; 6.1 Terminology & Definitions; Standardization; Serialization. 6.2 Origins of Standardization and Serialization6.3 Forerunners to the Ritual-Series and Compendia; Terminology and Definitions; Overview of Forerunners to the Ritual-series of the First Millennium; Overview of Forerunners to the Ritual-Compendia of the First Millennium; 6.4 Concluding Remarks; Chapter 7: Selection of Texts; 7.1 Any Evil / Various Diseases; 7.2 Birth; 7.3 Dog bite; 7.4 Fever; 7.5 Gastrointestinal Disease; 7.6 Headache; 7.7 Lamaštu; 7.8 Maškadu; 7.9 Scorpions; 7.10 Sexual Desire; 7.11 Šimmatu; 7.12 Snakes; 7.13 Udug.ḫul & Udug.ḫul-related; 7.14 Incantation-Prayers: Ištar The present volume is the first systematic treatment of the Corpus of Middle Babylonian and Middle Assyrian Incantations. It comprises an exhaustive and detailed catalogue of all magical material in cuneiform texts in Sumerian and Akkadian from the Middle Babylonian and Middle Assyrian periods (ca. 1500-1000 BCE). The work begins with a typology of the different sub-groups of incantations, the physical properties of the tablets, an innovative survey of the text formats, a discussion of drawings on magical texts and a critical discussion of the different paratextual comments, followed by an overview of the geographical and archival setting and an examination on the social context of the corpus. The circulation of magical texts during the Late Bronze Age is investigated by outlining the corpus itself: its thematic grouping of incantations, division of unilingual and bilingual texts, local scribal traditions and their influences. With respect to the question of whether the standardization of incantations took place in Mesopotamia during the Second Millennium, an extensive chapter provides a comparative analysis of the incantation corpora of the Third and Second Millennium against the standardized ritual series of the First Millennium. Fifty cuneiform texts have been edited and translated, accompanied by a thorough philological commentary |
Item Description: | 7.15 Incantation-Prayers: Šamaš Includes bibliographical references and indexes |
Physical Description: | 1 Online-Ressource (xxiv, 463 pages, iii pages of plates), illustrations, map |
ISBN: | 3447196351 |