Holokavst v izobraževanju: izločitev Dnevnika Ane Frank iz učnega načrta za slovenščino (2019) = Holocaust in Education – Culling The Diary of Anne Frank from the Curriculum for Slovene Language (2019)

V članku je predstavljena tema holokavsta v učnih načrtih za slovenščino v treh družbenih sistemih (1984, 1998, 2019). Na podlagi literarne analize pisanja otrok (dnevniki, pesmarice in spominske knjige) v času holokavsta je posebna pozornost posvečena Dnevniku Ane Frank, ki ga je pisala trinajstlet...

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Bibliographic Details
Subtitles:Holocaust in Education – Culling The Diary of Anne Frank from the Curriculum for Slovene Language (2019)
Main Author: Blažić, Milena Mileva 1956- (Author)
Format: Electronic Article
Check availability: HBZ Gateway
Journals Online & Print:
Fernleihe:Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste
Published: 2022
In: Edinost in dialog
Year: 2022, Volume: 77, Issue: 1, Pages: 227-244
Standardized Subjects / Keyword chains:B Frank, Anne 1929-1945, Het achterhuis / World heritage / UNESCO / Jews / Slovenian language / School / Curriculum
IxTheo Classification:BH Judaism
KBK Europe (East)
TK Recent history
ZF Education
Further subjects:B slovene language
B seznam svetovne kulturne dediščine
B slovenščina
B anne frank
B the Holocaust, education
B Ana Frank
B izobraževanje
B world heritage list
B the holocaust
B World Heritage List
B curriculum 2019
B Education
B učni načrt 2019
B unesco
B Anne Frank
B Unesco
B holokavst
B Slovene language
Online Access: Volltext (kostenfrei)
Volltext (kostenfrei)
Volltext (kostenfrei)
Summary:V članku je predstavljena tema holokavsta v učnih načrtih za slovenščino v treh družbenih sistemih (1984, 1998, 2019). Na podlagi literarne analize pisanja otrok (dnevniki, pesmarice in spominske knjige) v času holokavsta je posebna pozornost posvečena Dnevniku Ane Frank, ki ga je pisala trinajstletna Anne Frank (1942–1944). Dnevnik Ane Frank je od leta 2009 na Unescovem seznamu svetovne kulturne dediščine ob Svetem pismu in Grimmovih pravljicah. V sklepu je podano mnenje, da je zaradi vsega navedenega izločitev Dnevnika Ane Frank iz učnega načrta za slovenščino (2018/2019) nesprejemljiva.
The article presents the topic of the Holocaust in the curricula for Slovene language in three social systems (1984, 1998, 2019). Based on a literary analysis of children’s writing (diaries, songbooks, and commemorative books) during the Holocaust, special attention is paid to the The Diary of a Young Girl, written by twelve-year-old Anne Frank (1942–1944). The U.S. Holocaust Museum keeps about 70 digitized children’s diaries (manuscripts and translations into English). The Children in the Holocaust exhibition is on display at the Yad Vashem Memorial Center in Israel, featuring albums, diaries, toys, books, personal items, letters, postcards, drawings and commemorative books. The Museum of Recent History Celje contains diaries and commemorative books, written by the so-called ‘stolen children’ (Slavko Preložnik's Diary, Pepca Medved’s Memorial Book and Justine Marolt's Songbook). The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2009, alongside the Bible and Grimm’s Fairy Tales. In the conclusion, we state that, due to all the above, the exclusion of the The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank from the curriculum for Slovene (2018/2019) is unacceptable.
Contains:Enthalten in: Edinost in dialog
Persistent identifiers:DOI: 10.34291/Edinost/77/01/Blazic