Percepcija edinosti Božjega bitja v starejši judovski in krščanski hermenevtiki = The Perception of the Unity of Godʼs Being in Early Jewish and Christian Hermeneutics
The article raises the question of the relevance of philosophical hermeneutics in the perception of the oneness and unity of God as revealed in the Biblical texts, which are not philosophical treatises, but mainly literary presentations of the different ways of Godʼs revelation in creation and in th...
Subtitles: | The Perception of the Unity of Godʼs Being in Early Jewish and Christian Hermeneutics |
Main Author: | |
Format: | Electronic Article |
Language: | Slovenian |
Check availability: | HBZ Gateway |
Journals Online & Print: | |
Fernleihe: | Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste |
Published: |
In: |
Edinost in dialog
Year: 2023, Volume: 78, Issue: 2, Pages: 127-144 |
Standardized Subjects / Keyword chains: | B
Idea of God
/ Attributes of God
/ Anthropomorphism
/ Bible
/ Person
/ Philosophy
/ Idea
IxTheo Classification: | AB Philosophy of religion; criticism of religion; atheism HA Bible NBC Doctrine of God VA Philosophy |
Further subjects: | B
god as a person in the bible
B Božji atributi B Bog kot Ideja v filozofiji B attributes of god B god as an idea in philosophy B Bog kot oseba v Svetem pismu B Anthropomorphism B enost in edinost Boga B antropomorfizem B unity and oneness of god |
Online Access: |
Volltext (kostenfrei) Volltext (kostenfrei) |
Summary: | The article raises the question of the relevance of philosophical hermeneutics in the perception of the oneness and unity of God as revealed in the Biblical texts, which are not philosophical treatises, but mainly literary presentations of the different ways of Godʼs revelation in creation and in the history of the people of Israel. Already at creation, God entered into dialogue with man through the Word, through visible signs and invisible plans. The main means of expressing Godʼs being in its essence and action are anthropomorphisms, which allow for concrete representations with open horizons and the warmth of interpersonal relationships. Philosophy, on the other hand, leans toward abstraction, presenting God as an immutable Idea which, in concrete historical and life situations, distances itself from man because it cannot redeem him. This nullifies the value of biblical attributes such as justice, faithfulness, compassion, mercy and love. From the point of view of the humanities and theology, then, the question is one of the validity of fundamental personal and social values. This problem was already faced by the Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria, then later by the greatest Jewish philosopher Maimonides, and among Christians by some of the Church Fathers and the medieval "scholastics". The article critically examines the origins of abstract philosophical hermeneutics, which are an obstacle rather than a relief in the search for a holistic method in professional exegesis and in missionary catechesis. In doing so, it suggests a possible explanation of the essence of the appeal for a return to the sources in personal, social, religious and interreligious dialogue. Članek odpira vprašanje ustreznosti filozofske hermenevtike v percepciji enosti in edinosti Boga, kot se razodeva v svetopisemskih besedilih, ki niso filozofski traktati, ampak večinoma literarne prezentacije različnih načinov Božjega razodetja v stvarstvu in v zgodovini izraelskega ljudstva. Bog je že s stvarjenjem s človekom vzpostavil dialog z besedo, z vidnimi znamenji in z nevidnimi načrti. Poglavitno sredstvo izražanja Božjega bitja v njegovem bistvu in delovanju so antropomorfizmi, ki omogočajo konkretne predstave z odprtimi obzorji in s toplino medosebnih odnosov. Filozofija pa teži k abstrakciji, ki Boga prikaže kot nespremenljivo Idejo, ki se v konkretnih zgodovinskih in življenjskih situacijah oddaljuje od človeka, ker ga ne more odrešiti. S tem se izniči vrednost svetopisemskih atributov, kot so pravičnost, zvestoba, sočutje, usmiljenje in ljubezen. S stališča humanistike in teologije gre torej za vprašanje veljave temeljnih osebnih in družbenih vrednot. S to težavo se je soočil že judovski filozof Filon Aleksandrijski, pozneje največji judovski filozof Maimonides, med kristjani pa nekateri cerkveni očetje in srednjeveški »sholastiki«. Članek kritično presoja izvore abstraktne filozofske hermenevtike, ki so prej ovira kakor olajšava v iskanju celostne metode v strokovni eksegezi in v misijonarski katehezi. S tem nakazuje možno razlago, v čem je bistvo apela po vrnitvi k virom v osebnem, družbenem, religijskem in medreligijskem dialogu. |
ISSN: | 2385-8907 |
Contains: | Enthalten in: Edinost in dialog
Persistent identifiers: | DOI: 10.34291/Edinost/78/02/Krasovec |