Gospodovanje v Genezi: iskanje religiološke interpretacije = Dominion in Genesis: Search for a Religiological Interpretation

The purpose of the article is to provide one of the possible religiological interpretations of the theme of human dominion over nature, which is found in the Biblical text about creation in Genesis 1:1–2:3. The main thesis of the article is that the Biblical commandment to rule can be understood in...

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Bibliographic Details
Subtitles:Dominion in Genesis: Search for a Religiological Interpretation
Main Author: Lülik, Benjamin (Author)
Format: Electronic Article
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Journals Online & Print:
Fernleihe:Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste
Published: 2024
In: Edinost in dialog
Year: 2024, Volume: 79, Issue: 1, Pages: 125-150
Standardized Subjects / Keyword chains:B Bible. Genesis 1,26-2,23 / Creation / Mandate for creation / Myth / Transcendence / Holy / Assmann, Jan 1938-2024 / Eliade, Mircea 1907-1986
IxTheo Classification:AA Study of religion
HB Old Testament
Further subjects:B religiologija
B Eliade
B Creation
B Myth
B Bible
B Sveto pismo
B Assmann
B sakralno
B gospodovanje
B assmann
B Transcendence
B Geneza
B Genesis
B Mit
B transcendenca
B religiology
B Sacred
B eliade
B stvarjenje
B Dominion
Online Access: Volltext (kostenfrei)
Volltext (kostenfrei)
Summary:The purpose of the article is to provide one of the possible religiological interpretations of the theme of human dominion over nature, which is found in the Biblical text about creation in Genesis 1:1–2:3. The main thesis of the article is that the Biblical commandment to rule can be understood in the context of the sacralization of the profane. For this purpose, the article mostly relies on the theory of the sacred developed by Mircea Eliade and partly on Jan Assmann's thoughts on the totality of monotheism. Based on this, the article observes that biblical dominion can be seen on three horizons, which are primarily existential and concern man's religious experience. These are the horizon of the sacred, the horizon of the mythical and the horizon of the totality. The latter is particularly characteristic of the monotheistic perception of dominion and manifests itself as an uncompromising consecration of time, space and beings. These processes are often carried out through the biblical language of conflict, which can also take on violent meanings. Therefore, the article initially presents complex and often controversial nature of the concept of dominion on the example of ecological criticism, which accuses Genesis of an anthropocentric abuse of nature. Nevertheless, violent and exploitative rule is not the core of monotheism. This is discussed in the rest of the article, which is dedicated to Eliade and Assmann's religiological thought and shows that the goal of a religious person is to bring himself and all of creation closer to their transcendental origin. The biblical engagement with dominion is therefore not anthropocentric, but theocentric, and does not have as its motive economic or political totalitarianism, but rather the total sanctification of the world according to the paradigmatic model of the creation myth.
Namen članka je podati eno od možnih religioloških interpretacij tematike človeškega gospodovanja nad naravo, ki se nahaja v svetopisemskem besedilu o stvarjenju (1 Mz 1,1–2,3). Poglavitna teza članka je, da lahko biblično zapoved gospodovanja razumemo v kontekstu sakralizacije profanega. Za ta namen se članek večinoma opira na teorijo o sakralnem, ki jo je razvil Mircea Eliade. Članek delno črpa tudi iz misli Jana Assmanna o totalnosti monoteizma. Na podlagi tega opaža, da lahko biblično gospodovanje vidimo na treh obzorjih, ki so predvsem bivanjska in zadevajo človekovo religiozno izkušnjo. To so obzorje sakralnega, obzorje mitičnega in obzorje totalnega. Slednje je zlasti značilnost monoteistične percepcije gospodovanja in se kaže kot brezkompromisno posvečevanje časa, prostora in bitij v vsej njihovi razsežnosti. Ti procesi se pogosto vršijo skozi biblični jezik konflikta, ki lahko dobi tudi nasilne pomene. Članek zato sprva predstavi izjemno kompleksnost ter pogosto kontroverznost koncepta gospodovanja na primeru ekološke kritike, ki Genezi mestoma očita antropocentrično zlorabo narave. Kljub temu nasilno in izkoriščevalsko gospodovanje ni jedro monoteizma. O tem je govor v nadaljevanju članka, ki se posveča Eliadovi in Assmannovi religiološki misli ter pokaže, da je cilj religioznega človeka v približevanju sebe in vsega stvarstva svojemu izvoru, ki je transcendenten. Svetopisemsko ukvarjanje z gospodovanjem zatorej ni antropocentrično, ampak teocentrično , in nima za motiv ekonomskega ali političnega totalitarizma, temveč totalno posvečevanje sveta po paradigmatskem modelu mita stvarjenja.
Contains:Enthalten in: Edinost in dialog
Persistent identifiers:DOI: 10.34291/Edinost/79/01/Lulik