Studies in the reception of the Historia scholastica of Peter Comestor: the Schwarzwälder Predigten, the Weltchronik of Rudolf von Ems, the Scolastica of Jacob van Maerlant and the Historiebijbel van 1360

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Sherwood-Smith, Maria C. (Author)
Format: Print Manuscript
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WorldCat: WorldCat
Fernleihe:Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste
Published: Oxford The Soc. for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature 2000
In: Medium aevum <Oxford> / Monographs (N.S., 20)
Year: 2000
Series/Journal:Medium aevum <Oxford> / Monographs N.S., 20
Standardized Subjects / Keyword chains:B Petrus, Comestor 1100-1179, Historia scholastica / Reception / Middle Latin language / Literature / Bible history
Further subjects:B Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg
B Schwarzwälder Prediger
B Handwriting
B Petrus <Comestor, 12th cent> Historia scholastica
B Freiburg im Breisgau
B Petrus <Comestor, 12th cent> Influence
B Maerlant, Jacob van <1235?-1300> Scolastica
B Historiebijbel van 1360
B Bible Commentaries History and criticism
B University library
B Rudolf <von Ems, d. ca. 1254> Chronicle of world history
B Thesis
Physical Description:VI, 181 S, graph. Darst