Christus bekennen: [1. Herbsttagung der Luther-Akademie Sondershausen-Ratzeburg vom 8. - 11. Oktober 2003]

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Bibliographic Details
Corporate Author: Luther-Akademie Sondershausen-Ratzeburg (Other)
Contributors: Scharbau, Friedrich-Otto 1935-2013 (Editor)
Format: Print Book
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WorldCat: WorldCat
Fernleihe:Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste
Published: Erlangen Martin-Luther-Verlag 2004
In: Veröffentlichungen der Luther-Akademie Sondershausen-Ratzeburg e.V. (1)
Year: 2004
Volumes / Articles:Show volumes/articles.
Series/Journal:Veröffentlichungen der Luther-Akademie Sondershausen-Ratzeburg e.V. 1
Standardized Subjects / Keyword chains:B Christology / Lutheran theology
B Jesus Christus / Confession of faith / Lutheran theology
B Christology / Confession of faith
B Christology / Theology of religions / Religious pluralism / Lutheran theology
B Status confessionis / Theological ethics
IxTheo Classification:CC Christianity and Non-Christian religion; Inter-religious relations
KDD Protestant Church
NBF Christology
NCD Political ethics
Further subjects:B Conference program 2003 (Ratzeburg)
B Jesus Christ Person and offices
Item Description:Literaturangaben
Physical Description:109 S., 21 cm