DISPVTATIO GRAM-||MATICA || DE INTERPRE=||TATIONE GRAECO=||RVM VERBORVM,|| ACT. III.|| Iēsun Christon hon dei uranon dexasthai.|| COMPLECTENS ēthologian RESPONSI-||onis, qua Collegium Theologicum Academiae VVite=||bergensis uti posset ad Chartam de his verbis superi=||oribus diebus editam, cui nomen est || praescriptum || D. NICOLAI SEL=||NECCERI &c.|| Aucta & recognita.|| ... ||
Subtitles: | DISPVTATIO GRAM-||MATICA || DE INTERPRE=||TATIONE GRAECO=||RVM VERBORVM,|| ACT. III.|| Ιησουν Χριστον ὁν δει ουρανον δεξασθαι.|| COMPLECTENS ηθολογιαν RESPONSI-||onis, qua Collegium Theologicum Academiae VVite=||bergensis uti posset ad Chartam de his verbis superi=||oribus diebus editam, cui nomen est || praescriptum || D. NICOLAI SEL=||NECCERI &c.|| Aucta & recognita.|| ... || DISPVTATIO GRAMMATICA DE INTERPRETATIONE GRAECORVM VERBORVM, ACT. III. Iēsun Christon hon dei uranon dexasthai. COMPLECTENS ēthologian RESPONSIonis, qua Collegium Theologicum Academiae VVitebergensis uti posset ad Chartam de his verbis superioribus diebus editam, cui nomen est praescriptum D. NICOLAI SELNECCERI &c. Aucta & recognita. . Disputatio Grammatica De Interpretatione Graecorum Verborum |
Main Author: | |
Contributors: | ; |
Format: | Print Book |
Language: | Latin |
Subito Delivery Service: | Order now. |
Check availability: | HBZ Gateway |
WorldCat: | WorldCat |
Fernleihe: | Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste |
Published: |
Schwertel, Johann
In: | Year: 1571 |
Standardized Subjects / Keyword chains: | B
Bible. Apostelgeschichte 3,21
/ Acts of the Apostles
/ New Testament
/ Theology
/ Exegesis
/ Biblical studies
Further subjects: | B
Online Access: |
If 4600 (11) |
Parallel Edition: | Electronic Reproduction: Halle : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2012. - urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-455562 |
Item Description: | Beiträger: Creutziger, Kaspar d.Ä Erkennungslesart: auf dem Titelblatt mit "Aucta & recognita. ..." und Druckerangabe. - Nicht identisch mit VD16 ZV 33691 und VD16 S 5519, dort jeweils ohne "Aucta & recognita. ..." und ohne Druckerangabe Signaturformel: A-C4 Vorlageform der Veröffentlichungsangabe: VVITEBERGAE || Exprimebat Iohannes Schwertel.|| ANNO M.D.LXXI.|| |
Physical Description: | [12] Bl., 4° |