Zeit schenken - Vollendung erhoffen: Gottes Zusage an die Welt

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Bibliographic Details
Contributors: Hieke, Thomas 1968- (Other) ; Kühschelm, Roman 1952- (Other) ; Striet, Magnus 1964- (Other) ; Trocholepczy, Bernd 1952- (Other)
Format: Print Book
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WorldCat: WorldCat
Fernleihe:Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste
Published: Freiburg im Breisgau Basel Wien Herder 2013
In: Theologische Module (8)
Year: 2013
Volumes / Articles:Show volumes/articles.
Edition:1. Aufl.
Series/Journal:Theologische Module 8
Standardized Subjects / Keyword chains:B Time / Eschatology / Catholic theology
B Bible / Time / Eschatology
B Time / Creation theology / Eschatology
B Time / Christian life
Further subjects:B Collection of essays
B Salvation (motif)
B Eschatology
B Hope
Online Access: Table of Contents
Item Description:Literaturangaben
Physical Description:159 S., Ill., 214 mm x 139 mm